Emergency Appeal to fight Ebola in LiberiaPosted on September 21, 2014 by


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Educational awareness on Ebola virus disease (EVD) Prevention in Liberia Rural Communities

Camp for Peace Liberia Inc. (CFP-LIBERIA)

B. Abel Learwellie, Executive Director, CFP-LIBERIA
Email: info@campfor.org /bartimeabellearrwellie74@gmail.com
Telephone: +231886576076
Website: www.campforpeace.org

300 Family Households in Rural Communities

Ten Villages in Rural Montserrado County, Liberia

Three Months (October – December, 2014)

US$6,000 (Six Thousand United States dollars)


The deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD) has surfaced in the sub-Region of West Africa, affecting Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. This is the first time the virus is affecting this part of Africa. It was first confirmed in Guinea in January 2014 and has since spread into neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone. This virus is considered one of the most aggressive viruses that have neither cure nor vaccine up-to-date, which kill within one week from exposure or three to four days from first symptoms become apparent. Its fatality rate is very high: 90 percent.

In Africa, infection has been documented through the handling of infected chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainforest. Ebola then spreads in the community through human-to-human transmission, with infection resulting from direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), since the outbreak in Liberia, 1,459 people have died, 2,710 cases count and 812 laboratory cases confirmed. Commercial and social activities across porous borders between Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone has been a major factor for the continues and rapid spread of Ebola virus in Liberia. As the virus continues to spread across Liberia, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that EBOLA DEATH TOLL IS RISING AND OUT OF TOTAL CONTROL and if nothing is done to curtail the situation, 20,000 people may fall prey to this deadly ebola virus before the situation can come to an end. Therefore there is an urgent need and commitment towards addressing the outbreak, otherwise the virus will continue to spread, and claim more lives in Liberia and the sub region.


Rural communities in Liberia are the most affected areas where the ebola virus disease (EVD) is continually spreading through human-to-human transmission. Since the outbreak the virus has proven to be difficult to contain as a result of the following factors:

 Strong cultural practices and traditional beliefs” in rural areas mean that traditional funeral practices, fear, and misinformation make the outbreak difficult to contain.

 Weak health-care infrastructures, and community mistrust and resistance denial in especially rural communities

 Continues commercial activities between porous borders of affected countries (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) despite the ban on cross border trading.

The worst case scenario is that Liberia is among the first five poorest nations in the world. As a result it is suffering from weak health infrastructure for treating effected victims, and local community people have posed fear, misinformation and disbelieve in the existence of the virus.

Education and awareness among local community people on the existence and prevention of the Ebola virus is the most powerful weapon to fight the virus in a society of 3.5 million people where 80% of the population is illiterate. Therefore in an effort to complement the effort of Government and other humanitarian agencies working to contain the virus, Camp for Peace Liberia would like to carry out an awareness rising sensitization through radio sensitization programs and drama, focus group discussions and information materials on the existence and prevention of the Ebola virus especially among youths, women, men and children in ten (10) communities consider ‘HOT SPOT and Hard to Reach’’ areas in Rural Montserrado County of Liberia.

The action will help break the barriers of misconceptions among local people about the existence of the virus and prevention methods. This will also give already infected victims the chance and confidence to report cases after contracting the virus.

The general objective of this project is to provide education and awareness rising on Ebola prevention among local population in rural communities in Montserrado County, Liberia.

 To enhanced the knowledge of local community dwellers (children, physically challenged, youths, women and men) on Ebola virus disease (EVD) prevention.
 To provide basic Ebola virus disease (EVD) prevention materials at household level to children, youth, men, women and physically challenged.

 To educate communities on the importance and use of hand sanitizer, hand soap, and chorine.


 300 family households knowledgeable on Ebola virus disease (EVD) prevention and care

 Awareness on how to use basic Ebola prevention materials increased.


 Carryout radio panel discussion program and drama on Ebola virus prevention.

 Carry out community level meetings and workshop on Ebola.

 Printing and displaying pectoral postal on Ebola virus disease (EVD) prevention and interpreting it in local languages.

 Monitoring and supervision of activities


Item Quantity Month Unit cost (USD) Total cost (USD)
Personal cost
Psychosocial support volunteers 5 3 100.00 1,500.00
Prevention materials
Hand Sanitizer/Water Chlorination Chorine packages 300 – 5.00.00 1,500.00
Fuel for vehicle 60 gallons 3 4.5 810.00
Media outreach
Development of sensitization jingle
on Ebola Prevention in two languages 2 cassettes 3 50 300.00
Airing of composed Radio jingle on Ebola Prevention 2 cassettes 3 40 240.00
Meeting and workshops
Feeding for participants during meeting 300 persons 0 3 900.00
Printing of sensitization materials on Ebola 300 pcs 0 2 600.00
Contingency 150.00
TOTAL 6,000.00

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